
I'm sitting by my computer, naggingly annoyed by my "y" key. When it decides to work, I can craft new words like "naggingly" to upset and flummox my readers--all three of them. For the record, I have a degree in English. As I used to tell my students, I paid for the privilege of making up new words. It worked out well for Will Shakespeare ( I'm confident we two wordsmiths would have been great friends and on a first-name basis had we been contemporaries.) And he didn't have a degree in English. Okay, so maybe he introduced over 1700 words (Go ahead, google it. I did.) and countless phrases we still use today into the English language, but he DIDN'T have a PAID-FOR English degree. I'm just saying...(I hope you were duly impressed with my creative prowess in using paid-for as an adjective--if it didn't have the hyphen...). But I digress. A Lot (still two words, people). The whole digression is because of my use of "naggingly....