Land of the Snarky

    I was in a snarky mood the other day, and I made it known. No one had said or done anything that precipitated such behavior, but I was grappling with it nonetheless. Later that day, when I had properly come out of my snit, I began to really look at myself, incredulous that I had such a war waging in me.

    Then I came upon a poem which described me perfectly.

                              “Two natures beat within my breast 
                                The one is foul, the one is blessed

                                     The one I love, the one I hate.
                                     The one I feed will dominate."


    Daily we decide which nature will starve for lack of attention and food and which one will thrive. Maybe you're in a tornado-mood, destroying whoever or whatever gets in your path. Maybe you're a rogue whirlwind, veering off the path to claim even more victims. Or maybe you're just a bit churlish, like a turtle, snapping at whoever gets too close.
    Whatever the analogy, it's not good. Perhaps in your world tornadoes and snapping turtles are harmless, but welcome to the real world. Welcome to reality. Daily, dare I say minute-by-minute, we decide  which nature to showcase, which nature we will feed. We show it by how we act and the words we choose to speak. When we dwell in the Land of the Snarky, it's our own fault. We are making a conscious decision which nature we are feeding. We can make the same conscious decision not to feed it.
    Depressed? What thoughts are you feeding on? If you constantly feed on a diet of junk food, your body will respond in kind. Negative thoughts only energize and give life to the depression you may be experiencing. This is in no way to mitigate those thoughts. But it does put it into perspective. We regulate our thoughts. We allow our minds to dwell where they  will. So you shouldn't surprised at what nature is in control.          
    Want your positive side to be in control more?  Be a crossing guard to your thoughts. Don't let your thoughts wander nilly willy wherever they want, feeding on whatever they want. Refrain your words, hold them back, until you are confident of their nature. 
    Don't dwell in the Land of the Snarky, If you notice your words and thoughts are not edifying to yourself or the recipient of them, change them up. Decide to regulate your words, and your actions will follow.
    No one likes the Land of the Snarky. Not even you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


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