
    I'm sitting by my computer, naggingly annoyed by my "y" key. When it decides to work, I can craft new words like "naggingly" to upset and flummox my readers--all three of them. For the record, I have a degree in English. As I used to tell my students, I paid for the privilege of making up new words. It worked out well for Will Shakespeare ( I'm confident we two wordsmiths would have been great friends and on a first-name basis had we been contemporaries.) And he didn't have a degree in English. Okay, so maybe he introduced over 1700 words (Go ahead, google it. I did.) and countless phrases we still use today into the English language, but he DIDN'T have a PAID-FOR English degree. I'm just saying...(I hope you were duly impressed with my creative prowess in using paid-for as an adjective--if it didn't have the hyphen...).

    But I digress. A Lot (still two words, people). The whole digression is because of my use of "naggingly." It may not be in YOUR dictionary, but I assure you, it's in mine. Any way, I digress again. I'm naggingly haunted by a word that doesn't exist YET, because of the less than reliable production of my "y" key. It makes the invention of new words problematic and the spelling of existing words sporadic. Never mind that typing  has become difficult with Parkinson's, that isn't the reason for all my misspellings and typos, it's the blasted key.

    All this to say, my laptop may be like my printer--in search of a new home. I'm developing a rhetorical argument in my head to relay to my husband as to why we need a new laptop, I'll let you know if he buys it...and a new laptop.



  1. An entertaining stream-of-consciousness ditty that seems (to me anyhow) persuasive enough to merit a new laptop. Besides, any laptop that cannot handle the letter "Y" no longer has any value and should be put down. Sorry ... kind of harsh but oh-so-true. Take all the Y's out of the comments above and most readers would not make the effort trying to decode what I've said. So the laptop has to go. Replace with an Asus ... an awesome little laptop. I had my hard drive replaced with a solid state hard drive and it is now amazingly fast and totally reliable. And the Y's work!!

  2. Good tip on the ASUS. Like you, I ponder wonderingly at the thought of no "y"s in words, in which case we would read "naggingl" and "wonderingl."


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