Trapped in Silence

As stated in my last blog, I’ve had to adjust how I engage my God-given purpose. My biggest challenge in putting my gifts into action is my own body. I need every form of communication to carry out my purpose, but I battle silence; the inability to communicate. I describe it to people as feeling trapped in a cocoon of silence. It’s not just oral communication, it's every means of communique: my hands are unable to type an email, my fingers are prohibited from pressing the right buttons on a smartphone, and both hands and fingers are not able to effectively guide a mouse through the surf waves of the internet. Imagine daily isolation where the only response you get is from yourself. I can see words and imagine discourse, but my brain currently lacks the connective wiring to move my tongue, mouth, jaw, or fingers to vocalize or electronically communicate. I am trapped in silence. Escape My husband disagrees with me somewhat on this though and he's partially correct. We've...