
In my early years, rest was a four-lettered word. I never had time to rest. I was too busy. I had papers to grade, meetings to attend, and parenting duties to attend to.I was too busy to slow down. Not that I wanted to. What would I do with my well-earned badge of busyness I proudly displayed for all to see? And those who missed the badge surely couldn't tune out my recounting of my schedule just to reinforce me busyness. I found my sense of worth in the number of activities I could enmesh myself in. Don't get me wrong.The busyness was something I wanted, something I took pride in. In all truthfulness, I was hiding in those activities so I wouldn't have to face the problems in my life, I was rotten at resting; something I was clueless at doing. So instead of taking the time to figure it out, I piled more busyness on myself and continued to wear the badge with pride, There were no spontaneous trips to Dairy Queen for my boys or spontaneo...