
I got nothing. Nada. Zilch. No inspiration. I've silently been waiting for the muse to show up. But it hasn't. Some people call this writer's block. I call it stagnation.I have been stagnant in writing my blog. How can a writer be blocked living in a world like this with so many topics to write about? There's always something in the news to ponder. Opinions to postulate. But lately my blog has suffered from my stagnation. It's not that I can't (on purpose double negative; that means I can find something to write about) I could extol the merits of volunteers, using those who give of their time selflessly at the YCMA. in my city. Without the aid of these folks, the Parkinson's programming at the Y would suffer deep setbacks. From teaching participants how to play the harmonica to holding the boxing bag in Rock Steady Boxing to teaching a class to work on our speech--all of this is possible because o...