White Christmas

    It's that time of year. Not for sleigh bells and reindeer, but for holiday classic movies. Like It's a Wonderful Life, Home Alone  and Christmas Vacation. As venerable as these films are, White Christmas is still my holiday favorite. The scene that caught my attention and continues to mesmerize me, is when Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby step in and perform the Haine's sister's song "Sisters." It wasn't their rendition of it so much as it was the topic of the song--sisters. I could relate--I have two.   

    My two sisters shared in my love for the movie--and for the same reason. We would utilize the phone lines to serenade each other. It only took the talk of Christmas for the middle sister to get that glint in her eye and my world was transformed to a sea of blue costumes. I was belting out the words with the best of them. rondi (her spelling) and I were more concerned about getting the words right than worrying about how we sounded. With my oldest sister, Darcy, however, it was a different story. For some reason, beyond my comprehension, Darcy thought she was a good singer. Neither rondi nor I disputed this to her face  then, but, Darce, I'm here to tell you, I'm disputing this notion publicly now.

    But for all their ability to not sing, there's so much more they can and do do. rondi is the energizer bunny. If she sits longer than a minute, she's afraid of losing her power source. She's ever on the move and always sees what needs to be done. For as active as rondi is, Darcy is her opposite. To me, they are both perfect the way God made them.

    To say I am close to my sisters, is an understatement. They have been there for my lowest low and rejoiced with me as I celebrated my highest high. They've seen me struggle and they've been my biggest cheerleaders, encouraging me to not give up.

    I remember writing to Darcy about all of the awful hings I was going through at home. I was nine or ten at the time. I begged and pleaded with her to come home (she had moved to D.C.). In the end, I threw those cries for help away, convinced she wouldn't believe me. 

    Eventually she did come home, and became my harbor in the midst of not just a storm, but a hurricane. When secrets became revealed, she was my protector.

    A day doesn't go by without me talking to or thinking about my sisters. They both have played significant roles in my life. I got engaged at rondi's house. I lived with Darcy on my breaks from college, when going to live with my mom wasn't an option. They have always been there for me.

    So the next time you watch "White Christmas" and you come to the "Sisters" song, think of me and my two sisters, the ones who mean the world to me.




  1. "Sisters, sisters. There were never such devoted sisters..." The tune of our sisterhood is a binding force--so many laughs and memories, and lots of caring behind it all. A tremendous blessing in this life! Thanks for honoring sisterhood for all your readers, Eileen.


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