Being in the Holidays

    The holidays are here.When I taught, it always perplexed me how the school year could travel light-speed fast to get to the holiday. It seemed like the year had just begun, and then it was already Christmas break. Since I no longer teach, time doesn't pass with the same rapidity.

    This year at Christmas I'm able to enjoy the season. Because this year I have a new goal: to be a human being being instead of a human being doing. In the past, I worked so hard at making Christmas perfect, that I was spent by the time Christmas, with all it's imperfections that I tried so hard to avoid, actually arrived. My sister always amazed me at her calm presence which surrounded her like an aura and contrasted with my herky-jerky persona. She could have five of her six kids, their spouses and some ancillary guests arriving for a major meal. Yet, she would relax and read a book during what should have been major panic mode. At least it would have been like that at my house.

    So this year, I'm following her lead. Instead of being a human being doing, I am whiling away my time being. I'm trying my hardest to be a human being being--relaxed and practicing the art of "being." Instead of working hard at making Christmas perfect, I want to perfect the art of being. To value the time I can spend with friends and family. To treasure the coffee time spent with friends. To be more wrapped up in people than in things or chores.

   I want to be present for people, not for  "doing."  I want to keep myself focused on others--their needs and concerns rather than being wrapped up in the preparations and the "stuff" of Christmas. I want to practice being in the moment and treasuring all those moments later as memories. They'll stay with me longer than thoughts of gifts or meal making. Guaranteed.

    So excuse me while I go into my living room. I've got a book to read.




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