
     I've had people ask me if I miss school and how I like retirement. Honestly? I don't really miss school. At all. I suppose I should feel a little bit redolent of my days in Room 2. And I do. Just not a lot. I don't have time to think about it.

    What I have discovered about retirement is how busy I am. That may seem like an oxymoron, but it's not. It's the truth. By the time I finish at the Y, I feel like half my day has frittered away. But in all my busyness, how am I giving back? Life shouldn't become inwardly focused once you  set aside the nine to five. That's what I've been thinking about lately. Most volunteer work is outside my wheelhouse. The spirit is willing, but the body isn't compliant. I'm good at organizing events or bringing structure to things, but there isn't much need for that. I do some writing and have volunteered to write grants, but there has to be more that I can do.

    Maybe my expectations are too high. Maybe it's okay to focus inwardly. But just the thought of that doesn't sit too well with me. I want to stay as active as possible for as long as possible, and volunteering can help that. Just because I'm limited physically, doesn't mean I should be put out to pasture. Nor do I want to be. I'm diminished by some who merely look at me, assessing my value or worth in that glance. I see the assessment and feel their dismissal and judgment. Their loss, I tell myself, not wanting to give in into the belittling thoughts raging in my head.

    True, there's a lot I can't do. But instead of staring at the mountains I can't conquer, I choose to look at the knolls I can. I'm confident I'll unearth a worthy cause that needs my skill set, minuscule as it is. Let's do this together. Dust off your talents and skills and abilities that may have lain dormant for some time. and find a place where someone like you will be welcomed. Surprise yourself and and go for it. Volunteer. You'll be glad you did.




  1. Great title and good reminder! We all bring SOMEthing to the table of helping others.

  2. I think you ARE doing something of value to others just by writing this blog. You are bringing hope and humor to a subject that, frankly, isn't all that funny. But somehow, you find the humor which, in and of itself, lends massive value to your writing. It's funny that we often don't stop to assess the value of something that comes so easily to us. You clearly have great skill at putting thoughts and feelings into words. For you, writing comes as easy as breathing in and out. Not everyone can do what you do. So, on behalf of those people who feel what you feel and think what you think but lack the skill to articulate those things like you do ... THANK YOU. This has value, even if you don't see it.


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