

    My husband  asked me how I was going to follow  up my last blog entry, and it got me thinking. The answer is this. I will follow up with honesty, truth, and reality. My last blog was full of angst. I was feeling frustrated that day and  expressed it on the written page, That's what  I do. I write. Writing is my therapy, my balm. Some people deal with frustration and anxiety and stress doing a plethora  of things. Me? I translate my feelings into words and emote for my audience.  The emotions aren't contrived. They are real. and they are mine.

    Not everyone  who has PD will relate to what I'm experiencing. What I'm challenged with may not be a problem for someone else with Parkinson's. I'm not here to obfuscate people. I can only write what's in my heart. And I promise, I will do that.

    My last entry reflected a down day. It was a frustrating series of events that took their toll on me. Not every day will be like that. I can guarantee one thing, I'm not giving up or letting PD get the best of me. As I write this, the Fighting Hawks are playing Nebraska, and it's being televised on the Big Ten channel. It's halftime,and the Hawks just scored, tying the game at seven. North Dakota is the underdog in this contest but no one told them that. They continue to fight. That's my plan.

  I sill hate Parkinson's, but life is too short not to live it to its fullest. I may have Parkinson's, but I will live my life to the fullest. Guaranteed.


  1. I did not take your last post as a "poor me," whimpering post. I saw it as a human being exercising her right to respond to her reality, a reality that people without your condition need to understand better. I know you, and you have always been like the UND mascot pictured above--a fighter. And in the face of all your PD-related limitations, that takes courage and determination. This is as much a part of your reality as your periodic anger with those limitations. Both are valid. No judgment.


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