No More Negative Nellie

     We live in a negative world, surrounded by negative talk. I noticed this the other night. A group of our friends came over for a fish fry. We enjoyed the meal and when it was over, we began to dissect what is wrong with the world today. From furries in the schools to the laxness found in the homes today, we covered it.

     Normal conversation, right?  I thought so for a  day and a half. And then I had my thinking challenged. Is the negativity readily heard in conversations today the way it's supposed to be? Why do we focus so much on issues that tend to drag us and our thoughts southward?

   I came to this realization this morning. I guess I had an "Ah-ha!" moment. Thinking back over the words I had shared with my friends, I saw myself as a Debbie Downer. Every conversation I participated  in, managed to have a negative slant.

    I was horrified. Why was I so negative? But then I saw it wasn't just me. The vast majority of people talk downer-talk. If the topic is the weather, it's too hot or too dry or too something. The schools are poor, crime is abundant, and prices are too high. My words flummoxed me. When had I allowed myself to dabble in such unedifying conversations? When was the last time I began an interaction with another with something positive? Unfortunately, I couldn't answer that.

    There's enough negativity in our world. I don't want to add to it. I want to spread positivity. That isn't to say I will never speak negatively about a topic, but I will do so in moderation. There's an abundance of good all around  Just look for it.

    I know I'm going to make more of an effort to be a Positive Polly rather than a Negative Nellie. I could focus on having Parkinson's and what I can't do. But I'm going to choose to be positive and look at alI that I can do.

    Be positive. It'll brighten your day and give you  a whole new outlook on life. When negative conversations waddle your way,  subtly change the topic to something  more positive. In my conversations with friends, I'm going to choose to be a Positive Polly not a Negative Nellie. I'm going to choose to look at all the great things we have in our lives and focus on that. No more southward thoughts.

    How about you? What are you going to choose?



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