Traveling with Parkinson's isn't easy. There are all kinds of things to consider, accessibly-wise.  However, we threw caution to the wind  and decided to head for a spot we'd always wanted visit since moving to North Dakota. Banff National Park in Canada. It was only a mere seventeen hours away, practically in our backyard!

    We packed the car with the necessary items, including my  scooter, Having looked into the accessibility issue, we knew there were lots of paved paths on which I could use  my scooter.

     Banff didn't disappoint. The vistas were beautiful. When we thought we'd seen the most amazing sight, we'd turn the corner and beheld more of God's handiwork. It left us speechless. And the paths? Accessible but bumpy. For the most part, I was able to get around quite well.We even took the gondola to the top of Sulfur Mountain. Workers stopped the gondola and put a ramp down which allowed me to drive my scooter inside the lift. They did the same so I could get off at the top. And the sights? Breathtaking!

     I learned some things during this trip. I guess the biggest lesson was to just do it. We can all make excuses that limit us--I'm not strong enough, I'm not in good enough shape, or I don't have the time are all good excuses. But are they good enough to direct our life? I may not be the most mobile person around, but I refuse to let that be my excuse to live a cloistered life. I wage war against the thoughts that limit me. My body curtails my actions on its own. I want my mind to see possibilities not problems.

     We were meant to enjoy life, not be slave to it. No more excuses! Start living life and see where it takes you.


  1. The pictures make me want to visit Banff--thanks for including them. Glad your PD didn't stop you from realizing a dream. Good lesson for all of us in retirement!

  2. Priceless words of wisdom indeed. Banff was truly amazing. We did 3 days in and around it, well worth the side trips and excursions. But we should have spent a night at Lake Louise and another night in Jasper. Next time!

  3. Beautiful!!! I keep telling myself "Someday," but don't ever seem to take a step in someday's direction. You are an inspiration. And thanks for sharing the pictures ... so breathtaking. I can only imagine what it looked like in person!


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