Power of the Keyboard

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue the Bible tells us in the book of Proverbs. Or in the power of the keyboard, in my world. I had a whole blog post done about the importance of words, detailing an encounter that my husband had with someone who was downright rude, saying unkind things to him about me. I composed in my mind for days, and then I wrote my tirade, the poisoned post last night. I showed her, going on about how important words were and how what you said matters.  I smugly wrote  my self-righteous post, congratulating myself on using words to teach her a lesson.

    My pastor's sermon was the first clarion call against publishing my missive. Do my words set me apart? Does my life show the characteristics of God? When I thought of my words, I had to admit they did not. My words showed a pettiness and an agenda rooted in revenge,

    The more I thought about the blog post, the more convinced I became that death was in those words. I felt better after writing them, yet were they a true reflection of what I wanted this blog to be about? Sadly, they did not. Determined not to sink to her level. I wrote another post using sanctimonious words that made me feel better...for about twenty seconds. I erased that post, too.

    I learned that I have a responsibility. I'm charged with living a life that displays the character and nature of God. In my world, that character is shown through  the power of my keyboard,  I'm thankful I paused  before I hit the publish button on my blog. Words are powerful--life and death, baby. It's up to us to decide.

   Next time you want to make verbal mincemeat out of someone, ask yourself the same question. Will people live or die as a result of what you've penned or verbalized?  Me? I choose life.





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