One Pedal at a Time

     Fifteen years. A decade and a half. For me, it seems like a lifetime.

    About fifteen years ago I went on my first bike trip. It was with a group of eleven other people who shared a love of biking.  At that time, we rode 40-50 miles a day. A group of twelve acquaintances melded into friendships because of a bike. Our friendships grew beyond the biking trail to where they are at today. They have become my closest friends. The long hours on the bike trails, initially for me anyway, started in small talk. My motto was don't let anyone get too close.

    But the longer we rode, the more we shared, One pedal at a time, our friendships grew roots. Soon, we were making our own memories: celebrating birthdays, going to Twins games, and just hanging out. Off the trails, the friendships deepened. We shared highs and lows--wedding celebrations of our kids and funeral services of our parents. The small talk morphed into sharing our later life hopes and dreams, our struggles spiritually, and major life events.

    These people have walked with me through my diagnosis of Parkinson's and all the struggles it has brought. They have waited patiently while I shed tears of frustration over my condition, letting me vent but not letting me wallow in self-pity. They adjust their walking to mine, so I don't have to walk alone.

    They are my friends. We share a bond deeper than biking. These are the people I turn to in good times and bad. Even when I can't do all the activities or have to hang back and wait for them, I never mind it. Eventually, I know I'll be able to join them and that's all that matters. We are friends.

    I hope you have people like them in your life. People who are there for you. People who walk by your side no matter the speed.. People who are patient with you and all your shortcomings,

    As I look back on these trips, I am amazed. Who knew such strong friendships would grow one pedal at a time?



  1. What a wonderful gift you've been given. I'm envious! One of the advantages to being able to stay put in one place, as it seems you have, is that it affords you the luxury of developing this sort of lifelong bond through some great shared experiences. When a family moves a lot to different states, this is harder to achieve. (Written from personal experience.) Keep on pedaling!

  2. I, too, am envious of all of the really great and supportive friends you have. You are truly blessed, in spite of everything else going on in your life. The Lord has given you the gift of a tremendous love and support network to ride alongside you in this season of life.


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