Exercise is Medicine

  One thing I'm doing by myself these days is working out. The Y does have exercise machines I can use, but they also offer classes. Some of the classes are specifically for people with Parkinson's. To anyone with an observing eye, these classes are easy. But for someone with Parkinson's, they are difficult, indeed.

    My goal in going to the Y is to regain some mobility. It's pathetic to think how much ground I've lost to this disease. But I  am determined to improve. I've only been going for a couple weeks, but I can see improvements.They may only be noticeable to me, but I'll take it. It gives me hope and that's what I need.

    The guy in charge of the program at the Y  has little truisms he likes to say. One of them is exercise is medicine. I believe that wholeheartedly. Sleep for people with PD can be elusive. For years I'd get by on three to four hours of sleep. I'd wake about 2 AM and go to my gym where I'd do seventy  minutes on an   elliptical in addition to doing weights. I felt great and PD was at bay. Then came a season of surgeries which kept me from the gym. That's when I started to notice a difference. 

So I've lost some ground, but I want that real estate back. I know this road is bumpy and arduous, but it's manageable. The more I work at these classes, the better I'll feel. I don't know how much I'll improve, but I know this much. Working out is better than sitting waiting for improvements. It'll take time and effort on my part. Lucky for me I have all the time in the world right now.

If you have Parkinson's, do yourself a favor and stay as active as you can for as long as you can. If you haven't been active, start today because the guy at the Y is right. Exercise is medicine. 



  1. For those of us without PD or some other mobility-limiting condition, it's too easy to take our health and ability to exercise for granted. As a retiree without PD, reading today's blog inspires me to make regular exercise--and a variety of its forms--more of a priority. Free medicine!

  2. When I retired a few years ago, one of my goals was to exercise every day. Because of some mobility issues I have, I bought myself a recumbent stationery bike. It is a thing of beauty with all kinds of bells and whistles. I have yet to climb aboard. I can't even figure out how to turn it on and the plug thingy that makes everything work is long gone. I have found several that look like they would fit, but even with the manual, I can't figure out where the plug goes. Life in the 21st century. Sigh.


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