Reminders of the Season

A Special Season for Many a Reason During this time of year, we all hear the clarion call of the season—a resounding reminder to focus on the true meaning of Christmas relative to whatever you believe. Maybe for some, it’s a time for giving philanthropically. For others perhaps it's all about connecting with family and friends near and far. Maybe it's connecting with folks you haven’t seen for days weeks months or years; or on the flip side, it's stopping and connecting with someone right underneath your nose; like kids, spouses, significant others, or an ornery neighbor. We are besieged with cantankerous reminders all through this season to keep it sacred and special: Hallmark movies, TV sitcoms, tear-jerking commercials from far away children’s hospitals, special local news reports of some community social cause in action, messages from preachers and pastors from the pulpit, email and text messages from charitable organizations known and unknown to us, and of course Holid...