California – The Cove

I have written three California travel blogs: Embarking, Apple Town and In-Laws, and Twists and Turns. They are actually segments of my continuing winding road in retirement with disabilities. Take your sigh of relief now because we are leaving California and returning to the cold flatlands of North Dakota . . . in two more blogs 😊! Seriously though, take a minute and just be still, realize there is a God, and read on. We Made It! I continue my California road trip at the intersection of a twisting forest road and the famous coastal Highway 1 of what’s called the Coastal Franciscan Redwood Forest ecosystem. We sat at that intersection white-knuckled from the winding mountainous forest road; literally only a few blocks from what I will call here “the cove.” We made it! This had been my goal throughout my recovery from deep brain surgery; to get to this spot, to be still, know God’s presence, and rest. I was here. When my husband asked me what was one enjoyable or comforting ...