
I think I married Elmer Fudd, Chris isn't goofy looking like Elmer. He still has most of his hair. And there's no comparing physiques. Chris looks much the same as he did the day we wed. Elmer's lumpy. They do share a commonality, however. They both are obsessed with something. With Elmer it's his nemesis, that, "Wascally wrabbit." With Chris, his obsession is over birds... blackbirds in particular. It all began innocently enough. I had decided one day to see if we could attract any birds and wondered out loud about getting a birdhouse. I thought it would give me something new and interesting to look at during the day. So we bought a bird feeder and bird seed and waited for the birds. I was hoping for finches or nuthatches. What we got along with the nuthatches were blackbirds, dozens and dozens of blackbirds. In the middle of a conversation Chris would whistle and bark out a sound in an attempt to startle the birds. I do...