Four-letter Words
I have a new four-letter word that is pure evil--at least in April anyway. Sno*w. The word that shall =not be named is fluffy and white and oh so pretty in November and Decembr, but gets a little old in April. Spring. This year that word has been an intangible. Here it is April 5, and I've yet to see any green. Certainly not grass .I'll be the first to admit this has been a long winter. November 9 was the last time 40 degrees came calling. November 9. My friends and family query me often about my choice of residency. When a spring snowstorm dumps a foot of snow on ground that's already white with frozen precipitation. they tell me I'm crazy for living here Pre-Christmas, this white stuff is welcomed anticipated even. But not in April. Certainly not in April. I dream of escaping this land. A land I was only going to call home for five years. My husband and ...